Press "S" to search for any word in this file! Or, scroll through all the definitions! Angel Dust Another name for the hallucinogen PCP Atom Bomb A name for the mixture of heroin and marijuana. Barbiturates A class of depressants often prescribed by doctors to help people sleep. Barbiturates are taken orally and are sold on the illegal drug market. Phenobarbital is a widely known barbiturate. Burglary Usually refers to the act of breaking into a home or a building to commit a theft. Actually forcing entry may not be necessary in many states. Merely entering a home or building without permission with the intent to commit a theft or a felony may be classified as a burglary. Clandestine (clandestine laboratories) Describes secret, or hidden, laboratories where illegal drugs are manufactured. Cocaine Made from the leaf of the coca plant that is grown in South America. It stimulates the nervous system and has mind-altering effects. Cocaine can constrict the blood vessels which causes the heart to strain in order to do its work. Repeated cocaine use can cause a psychological dependence that becomes the most important thing in the user's life. Cocaine use during pregnancy can cause miscarriages and even stillbirth. Colors The colored insignia, flags, bandannas, or other items that indicate specific gang or club affiliation. Conviction A decision by a court of law declaring you guilty of a criminal offense. A conviction can be handed down by a jury based on evidence presented in court. A judge can make the decision if you waive (give up) your right to a jury trial. You may also be convicted if you plead guilty to the offense, although there must still be evidence that the crime was committed and that it was committed by you. Crack A very dangerous form of cocaine that is sometimes called "rock" because it resembles small rock or stone chips, rock salt, soap chips or crystals. It is white or tan in color. It is normally smoked. Crack use can cause a very high heart rate and possible heart attack. This can happen even with the first use! It causes a very strong "high" and then a very devastating "crash"! Crank A name given to the mixture of cocaine and heroin that is usually injected. Since the arrival of crack, this name also applies to the mixture of crack and the smokable form of heroin. These mixtures are also known as "speedball". Depressants Drugs that cause a relaxing, intoxicating effect. Often called tranquilizers. Some common types are Tuinal, Seconal, Miltown, Librium, Valium, and Chloral Hydrate. DWI Driving while intoxicated. This is the charge filed against a person arrested for drunk driving. In many states a driver is presumed to be intoxicated to a degree where he is a danger to himself or others when his blood alcohol level is 0.10% or more. Some states call the offense DUI, or "driving under the influence". Some states have a separate charge for driving under the influence of drugs, or DUID. Some states make no distinction between alcohol, drugs, or any other chemical that can cause intoxication or impairment. Dusted Under the influence of PCP. Dusting Adding PCP or other drugs to marijuana. Ecstasy The most popular of the "designer drugs". It is sometimes taken as an aphrodisiac, but its effects can be the opposite of what the user intended or expected. This drug can cause blurred vision, blood pressure changes, and even brain damage. Euphoria A feeling of well-being. In this presentation it is used to describe an effect of a particular drug. Freebasing A term used to describe the smoking of cocaine after its active ingredient has been separated from its salt base. It is usually smoked in water-filled pipes. Heat applied to the bowl causes the "freebase" to vaporize. There is a risk of fire during this process due to the dangerous chemicals that must be used. Goofball A term for the mixture of cocaine and heroin. Hallucinogens PCP LSD As the name implies, hallucinogens cause the user to experience hallucinations. All the person's senses may become distorted and totally unreliable and unpredictable. They may lose all sense of direction and distance. The user's judgement is impaired and they are prone to serious accidents or incidents that could harm them- selves or other persons. LSD is the most widely know hallucinogenic substance. It is manufactured in clandestine labs and is normally colorless and odorless. LSD is often called acid. PCP is more dangerous than LSD. It is a white powder that dissolves in water or other liquids. It is usually smoked after being applied to cigarettes or other vegetation sutable for smoking. Someone high on PCP may show violent mood swings, unusually great strength, and other signs of being far removed from reality. Hashish A dark brown, but sometimes green or black, resin that is derived from the marijuana plant. Hashish is smoked in pipes or similar devices. Hashish oil is usually smoked by putting it on regular cigarettes or marijuana cigarettes. Herb and Al A name for marijuana and alcohol. Ice A very dangerous, crystallized form of methamphetamine. It is believed that ICE originated in Hawaii. It looks like rock candy or rock salt. ICE is made into its solid or crystallized form by cooking it. ICE can be even more dangerous and addictive than cocaine or crack. ICE is virtually odorless when smoked. Illicit (illicit drug use - illicit drugs) Used in this presentation to describe the illegal use of prescription drugs or the use of illegal drugs. Inhalants Chemicals that are introduced into the body by breathing or inhaling them. Common inhalants are spray paints, glue, felt markers, polishes, and gasoline. These are legal, easily obtained items, but contains poisons that cause a "high" when purposely inhaled in concentrated amounts. Spray paints (gold and silver are popular) are sprayed into paper or plastic sacks. The sack is then placed over the mouth and nose and the concentrated fumes inhaled. The chemicals can also be poured or sprayed onto rags and held against the face. The effects range from lightheadedness to intoxication to coma. "Sniffing" ("huffing") causes brain damage (usually irreversible)! It also damages other vital organs such as the liver, kidneys, and lungs. Junkie A person who is addicted to drugs. Methamphetamines The most popular stimulant. Sometimes called "speed", "uppers", "crank", or "crystal". Methamphetamines are taken due to their effect of causing increased alertness and euphoria. The drug can be found in pill, powder, or capsule form, but powder (white to light brown or tan) is most common. An overdose can cause a stroke or heart attack. Paranoia A mental condition describing a feeling of persecution. This condition is brought on by the use of certain drugs. PCP (Phencyclidine) Considered to be the most dangerous of the hallucinogens. PCP has many different street names including, angel dust and supergrass. PCP was first produced as an anesthetic, but is now made only in clandestine labs. Roach Clip Any device used to hold the short butt (roach) of a marijuana cigarette. Small "alligator" clips are the most common. Robbery Usually means a theft committed by the use of force, or the threat of force. A person who points a gun or knife at you and demands your money has committed a robbery. A person who says he has a gun or knife and will use it against you if you do not give him your money has also committed a robbery in most jurisdictions. A person who otherwise places you in fear of bodily harm if you do not hand over your money has probably committed a robbery also. Speed See "Methamphetamine". Speedball A term used for the mixture of cocaine and heroin. Since the arrival of crack, the term now more frequently applies to the mixture of crack and heroin in its smokable form. Steroids Drugs used to enhance physical ability, strength, and appearance of the user. It is generally thought that the hazards associated with steroid use far outweigh any possible benefit. Stimulant A class of drugs that causes an increase in energy, alertness, and possibly activity. Some examples are Benzedrine, Preludin, Fastin, Ritlan and amphetamines. Continued use of stimulants can cause weight loss, mood changes, tremors, and palpitations. Tragic Magic A term for the mixture of PCP and crack. Zoom A mixture of PCP and marijuana. More terms and definitions are included in the retail version.